We Will Always Remember....

SEVERAL years ago our mother May was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.  She now resides in a full time care facility in Lethbridge and does not recognize our words or faces.  Before this crippling disease robbed her of her memories she was involved in the early inception of Urban Timber.  Our family has always been involved in woodworking from when I was a very young age.  My dad constructed and built our entire home, while my mother had the patience and eye for finishing. My mother's handprint is on many of our early Urban Timber projects. She worked with my father until she was no longer able to help around the shop.  

We started "Wood to Remember" as a family, to keep my mother close, as if she was still working on our custom made furniture.  A percentage from all dining tables goes directly to the Alberta Alzheimer's Association in hopes of finding a cure.

We really do appreciate your support, this is so much more to us than just a business.  We hope you enjoy making your own memories around our tables, something that is very near and dear to us at Urban Timber.



EVERY year we are directly involved in the "Face Off for Alzheimer's" hockey tournament ran by the Alberta Alzheimer's Association.  What is extremely cool about this tournament is that all the proceeds go directly to funding resources right in Alberta committed to finding a cure!  With the help of family and friends and of course your generosity from the "Wood to Remember" fund we have now raised over $100,000 in just two short years.  Please contact us for more details or info on how to donate.  Thanks!